The noon sun bathed the room in warm light as Vidhatri sat with Sushmika and Rekha, their discussion revolving around Veer's marriage.

Vidhatri was eager to finalize the marriage arrangements quickly, aware of Veer's unpredictable nature. Despite his anger, he had at least agreed to the marriage.

"You should talk with Prarthana and proceed with the arrangements together," she advised Rekha.

Rekha nodded in agreement.

"Don't waste too much time on arranging dates. Who knows when Veer might change his mind. Vanya may have liked him at first, but given his nature, he could mess things up," Vidhatri added.

"But I am worried for Vanya. Things might get difficult for her," Rekha expressed her concern.

"It may be difficult at the start, but it will eventually get better," Vidhatri reassured.

"What if it doesn't? What if Veer never changes?" Sushmika asked, her worry evident.

"Look, Sushmika, men and women are the two poles of life. They will face many difficulties and challenges throughout their journey. I believe things will eventually improve. If not, then they must accept their fate and carry on with their lives."

"Even if Veer never changes, there's no need to worry. Throughout history, women have shouldered the responsibilities of raising children and managing the household, often without receiving love from their partners. This has been the norm for centuries. Why should it be any different now? The same principles can apply here. Once Vanya is married and has a child, she will naturally find purpose and fulfillment in her role, even if Veer remains distant and unchanged..."

Vidhatri said, while Sushmika simply shook her head. She knew it was selfish and harsh of Vidhatri, but she couldn't bring herself to speak up.

"But they have requested some time," Rekha interjected.

"Listen to what I say and follow my instructions." Vidhatri added.

As the night progressed, Prarthana spoke on the phone with Rekha, while Saranya and Vanya exchanged glances and communicated silently through their eyes.

After ending the call, Prarthana looked at them with a serious expression.

"What happened? What did Rekha aunty say?" Saranya asked eagerly.

"She said they want to arrange the marriage as soon as possible," Prarthana replied.

"Why the rush, Mom?" Vanya questioned.

"Yes, Mom, what's the hurry?" Saranya chimed in.

"You know, Vidhatri ji, Veer's grandmother, her health isn't good. The doctors don't think she has much time left. Veer has no one else except his grandmother, and she wants to see him married," Prarthana explained, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"So, what should we do?" Saranya asked, taken aback by the news.

Prarthana gazed at Vanya. "What do you want, Vani?"

Vanya glanced between her mother and sister. Saranya shook her head continuously, silently urging her to refuse. Prarthana turned her head back, while Saranya sat quietly, turning her head away.

"What do you want, Mumma?" Vanya asked, uncertain.

Prarthana chuckled softly. "Why are you asking me, Vani? It's your life decision, not mine."

There was silence for a few minutes before Vanya spoke up, "I agree."

Saranya widened her eyes in shock.

"Are you sure, Vani? You can take your time if you want," Prarthana asked, slightly taken aback.

Vanya shook her head. "No, Mom, I think I've made my decision. I met him yesterday, and he seemed pretty good to me," Vanya explained, catching Saranya off guard.

"But, Diโ€”" Saranya started, but she fell silent under Vanya's stern glare.

"Are you sure, beta?" Prarthana asked again.

Vanya nodded. "I've thought about it carefully, Mom. We can talk more tomorrow."

Prarthana nodded. "Take your time, Vani. Now, both of you get up and go to sleep. It's getting late, and I should rest too."

They both nodded obediently. Saranya waited for Prarthana to leave so she could speak privately with Vanya. As soon as their mother disappeared from view, Saranya moved closer to her on the couch.

"What was that, Di? You had the chance to refuse. They're rushing him into marriage, and you could have said you're not ready yet, that you need more time. They would have refused by themselves then," Saranya whispered urgently.

Vanya shook her head firmly. "I want to marry as soon as possible," she reiterated.

Saranya was stunned by her sister's sudden determination. Her behaviour has been changed slightly from few days.

First, she agreed for the proposal and now she directly agreed for marriage.

Saranya understood her sister's independence, but she couldn't fathom why Vanya was rushing into a marriage without even meeting the person.

She reached out to hold Vanya's hand gently. "Di, is something troubling you? You can talk to me. There's no need to rush into such decisions. If you truly want to marry, at least meet him once. It's your life we're talking about."

"Enough, Sara!" Vanya snapped, standing up abruptly from the couch. "I don't interfere in your life decisions, and you shouldn't in mine. Don't interrupt me. I will do what I want."

Her voice was filled with frustration.

Saranya was taken aback by Vanya's sudden outburst. She had never seen her sister so defensive and resolute about something. The tension between them lingered in the air, thick with unspoken words and unshared feelings.

After a moment of silence, Saranya spoke softly, her concern evident in her voice.

"Di, I just want what's best for you. I'm here for you, no matter what. If this is what you truly want, I'll support you. But please, at least talk to him, get to know him a bit before making such a big decision."

"I don't want to meet anyone. I just don't want to hear anyone's opinions," Vanya yelled with irritation before storming towards her room. Her frustration and determination were palpable, leaving Saranya standing in the silence of the living room, uncertain of what to do next.

Saranya took a few deep breaths, holding back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. It was the first time in her life that her elder sister had yelled at her.

The weight of their argument hung heavily on her as she retreated to her room, the silence around her filled with unresolved emotions and unanswered questions.

She lays on her bed, clutching her teddy bear tightly against her chest. Tears rolled down her cheeks, dampening the soft fur of the bear. The argument with Vanya echoed in her mind, replaying the harsh words and the unexpected anger in her sister's voice.

It hurts deeply, feeling like a fracture in their close bond that had always been a source of strength.

She couldn't understand why Vanya was rushing into marriage without even knowing the person. Fear gnawed at her heartโ€”fear of losing her sister, fear of seeing her make a decision she might regret. As she lay there, memories flooded her mindโ€”childhood adventures, whispered confidences, and the unwavering support they had always given each other.

The ache in her chest grew stronger, a mix of love and frustration.

Vanya, the person who loved her the most in the world, who would even go against their mother for her, and now she behaves rudely with her.

"I was just caring for her, why did she scold me?" Saranya whispered to herself.

A few minutes passed, and Saranya felt a hand on her back. Wiping her tears quickly, she looked behind to find Vanya sitting there on the bed. She hugged her sister instantly, feeling a rush of relief and warmth. Vanya rubbed her back gently.

"I'm sorry, Chiku. I just got angry," Vanya whispered softly, her voice filled with regret.

"Mein baat nahi karungi agar firse mujhe aise danta toh," Saranya said, breaking the hug, her voice tinged with hurt.

Vanya wiped her tears gently, a solemn expression on her face.

(I wouldn't talk to you if you ever scolded me like this again.")

Vanya nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding and remorse. She reached out to hold her hand gently. "I'm really sorry, Chiku. I didn't mean to hurt you," she said softly, sincerity in her voice.

Saranya sighed, feeling a mix of relief and lingering hurt. She knew Vanya's apology was genuine, but the sting of their argument still lingered. She looked into her sister's eyes, searching for reassurance and finding a flicker of their old connection.

"I know, Di," Saranya replied softly, her voice wavering slightly. "I just... I want us to be okay."

Vanya nodded, squeezing Saranya's hand gently. "We will be, Chiku. I promise," she said earnestly, her voice filled with determination to mend their bond.

"But..." Saranya wanted to speak but hesitated, recalling the tension from moments ago.

Vanya sighed softly, anticipating her unspoken question. "I know what you want to ask, but it's truly my decision, and I am happy with it."

"But why, Di? You were never like this. I miss seeing your fighting spirit these days," Saranya finally voiced her concern, her words tinged with a mix of confusion and longing for the sister she knew.

"I am the same as before sara. It's just that situation has changed a bit."

"What situation, Di? I can't understand why you're doing this. You don't look happy. No one is forcing you, so why agree to this? You could just refuse. We can tell the truth to Mom. She will understand us. Then things will eventually come to an end, and you know what? That Mr. Khadoos was scolding me today for not breaking the proposal," Saranya said, her voice rising with frustration and concern.

Vanya sighed deeply, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "It's not that simple, Chiku. I know it seems like I'm not myself, but this is something I feel I need to do. There's more to it than you understand right now."

Saranya's eyes filled with tears again, her confusion and worry evident. "But Di, I just want you to be happy. I don't want you to feel trapped or pressured into anything."

Vanya smiled a little "I know, and I appreciate that. I promise, I'm doing this because I believe it's the right thing for me. Trust me, okay?"

Saranya nodded slowly, still troubled but willing to trust her sister's judgment. "Okay, Di. But if you ever need to talk or if you change your mind, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Chiku," Vanya said softly, pulling Saranya into a comforting hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, Di," Saranya whispered, holding her sister tightly as they found solace in each other's embrace.

Vanya's eyes showed a mix of frustration, hurt, and so many hidden feelings.

She wiped the tear from her eye that was about to fall off, to not let Sara witness it.

The next day passed as usual, with Vidhatri making Veer agree forcibly for the marriage and Vanya agreeing from her side. The only one trapped in between was Saranya. Her sister was not happy at all, and that was concerning her. Moreover, she had another fight with Veer as he blamed her for not declining the proposal. According to him, she must have said something to make her sister agree to this arrangement.ย 

He even told his grandmother that he had never met Vanya, but she thought that he was looking for an escape.

Saranya felt a storm of emotions swirling inside her. She couldn't understand why everything was becoming so complicated. Veer's harsh words echoed in her mind, adding to the weight of her worries.

She knew Vanya wasn't genuinely happy with the situation, and that made her feel even more helpless.

Later that evening, Saranya sat alone in her room, replaying the day's events. The accusations from Veer had stung deeply, and the sight of her sister's forced smile haunted her. She knew she had to do something to bring clarity and peace to the situation, but she felt stuck, unable to find a way out.

And to her concern, Veer was not ready either, and she knew he might create problems for Vanya if they got married.

What was even more shocking was that the elders had decided to proceed directly with the marriage, skipping any functions except a few rituals, and Vanya had agreed to this too.

Saranya felt a deep sense of dread as she processed the new developments. She knew her sister well enough to see that something was terribly wrong. Vanya's compliance with such a rushed and minimalistic ceremony only heightened her worries. It was so unlike her sister to agree to something so significant without any joy or excitement.

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