Inside a luxurious hall, an award ceremony was in full swing.

Some people were chit-chatting with each other, others were drinking and laughing, all dressed in lavish suits.ย 

Suddenly, their attention shifted towards the host, who was about to announce the name of the Best CEO of the Year 2024.

A pin-drop silence descended in the hall as everyone's eyes fixed on the hosts.

"Now, the most awaited award," the female host said, looking at her partner, who continued, "And the award for the Best CEO of the Year goes to........ Miss Saranya Oberoi."ย 

The sound of clapping echoed through the hall. A girl stood up from her chair, dressed in elegant black attire. She looked around and nodded respectfully towards the people cheering for her.ย 

As she stepped forward, she was suddenly drenched in water.

"Ahhhhh!" she yelled, waking up with a jerk. Her face and hair were completely wet.

She looked up to see her mother, Prarthana Oberoi glaring at her, with a mug in her hand, having just poured water on her face.

She looked around and realized she was not at the ceremony but in her own bedroom.

A wave of disappointment washed over her. She glanced at her T-shirt, now half-drenched from the water falling from her face and hair.ย 

Looking back at her mother, she smiled sheepishly, "Good morning, Mumma."

"Good morning? Yeh good morning abhi thodi der mein good afternoon mein badal jati agar mein na aati yaha," Prarthana scolded.

(This good morning wouldโ€™ve turned into a good afternoon soon if I hadnโ€™t come here.)

Saranya's eyes darted to the clock hanging on the wall. 10:05. She shrugged her shoulders.ย 

"It's only 10 a.m., and you're making a fuss about it. I only have one holiday a week. At least let me sleep in peace today" She said, looking up at her mother, who was giving her a serious look.

"Kya hua, aise kyun dekh rahe ho? At least mujhe mera award toh lene dete," She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

("What happened, why are you looking at me like that? At least let me receive my award.โ€)

"Ruk, abhi deti hoon tujhe award," her mother said, removing her chappal from her foot.

("Wait, I'll give you your award right now," her mother, Prarthana, said, removing her slipper from her foot.)

She immediately stood up on the bed while her mother pointed her slipper towards her.ย 

"Miss drama queen, today is Tuesday, not Sunday, and as for your reward, you'll get it after you arrive at your college."

ย And all of sudden, realization hit her. She quickly got off the bed and stood on the floor.

"What's the date today?โ€

She took a while to proceed, โ€œOh no, itโ€™s 25.โ€

"Mumma, couldn't you have woken me up earlier?" She almost yelled, hurrying towards her bathroom.

"Vanya and I have been trying to wake you up since 7 AM, but who knows what goes on in your mind? Do you just want to sleep all day?" her mother replied sternly.

Stepping inside her washroom, Saranya murmured,

โ€œZindagi meri jhand ho rakhi hai,

Padhai mujhse ho nahi rahi,

Housewife mein mera career mujhe dikh nhi raha,

Aur award mujhe best CEO ka chahiye,

Uff Yeh mehenge mehenge khwaab mere!โ€

"Aur ab toh mein itni bulakad ho gayi hoon ki din bhi yaad nhi rehta, pta nhi kya hoga mera"

("My life is a mess,ย 

I can't seem to study,ย 

I don't see a career for myself as a housewife,

ย And I want an award for Best CEO,

ย Ugh, these expensive dreams of mine!"

And now I don't even remember the day, god know what would happen with me?)

Time skipped, and Saranya arrived at her college, "The Scalar College of Education," one of the top colleges in Hyderabad, India.

ย By the time she got there, it was already 11:00 AM.ย 

She had even skipped her breakfast.

One thing she knew was that she had missed two lectures, and the third lecture must have already started.

ย As a third-year business student, she knew the ongoing lecture was of the accountancy, the subject she hated the most.ย 

The door of the lecture hall was half-closed.

ย She slowly peeped through the door and all she could see was the first bench, where the girls sitting had tears in their eyes.ย 

Her gaze followed a little further up to see her friends, Kritika, Tara, Sia, Varun, and Rudra, who were trying to control their laughter.ย 

Excitement surged through her veins; if her friends were reacting like this, something interesting must be happening.ย 

She immediately stepped inside after getting permission from Mrs. Kavya Verma, the professor she hated the most and the reason behind her dislike for the subject.

Entering, she glanced at Professor Kavya Verma, who gave her an annoyed look.ย 

"Sit quickly." She ordered before continuing with her words.

"Anyway, I am not going to scold you today. I have tried enough to guide you and set you on the right path, but what can I do when you have no respect for me? By the way, today is my last day at this college. I am resigning."

Saranya's eyes widened in surprise. She immediately went to Sia, who had an empty seat beside her.

"By the way, students, I will miss you all. I have been at this college for more than two years and have made many memories here. I am going to miss everyone a lot."

"Ma'am, we will miss you too," Shreya, one of the girls, said while Saranya and Sia glanced at each other, then looked down at their laps to control their laughter.

"Don't worry, girls. I will come and pay you a visit," Kavya said. "Now, it's time for me to go as the lecture is about to end. Everyone take care and focus on your studies. I know you will, except for a few stubborn students." She said as she taunted Saranya and her friends through her words.

"Don't worry, Professor Verma, Now that you are leaving, we will definitely be able to focus on our studies," Saranya said in a very polite tone, yet the taunt was evident.

Kavya just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Shreya and Nitya stood up from their seats and went towards her, presenting her with a box. "Miss, this is a little gift from both of us."

Kavya gladly accepted the gift. "Aww, thank you. No wonder you both are my favorites." She hugged them both while everyone watched the scene with bored expressions.

A minute later, Kavya left the room after bidding one last goodbye.

Saranya stood up from her seat along with the other boys and girls. Only a few remained seated.

"We are finally free," one of the boys said.

"Of course, we can finally enjoy our accountancy lectures without seeing her ," Tara added.

Saranya hugged Sia in happiness. "You know, guys, I was about to miss college today and would have missed this scene. Thank God I came," She said aloud.

"Enough of you guys. Be seated," a yell broke through their chatter, and their eyes shifted towards Nitya, the head student of their department for the 3rd-year students, appointed by Mrs. Kavya Verma.

All of the students sat down, rolling their eyes, except Saranya.

"Professor Kavya is leaving, and so are her rules. So, there will be a new head tomorrow. We are going to request a new head. We couldn't do that before because Professor Kavya Verma was the head professor of the department, but now we can. Right, everybody?"

"Of course," everyone said, except for a few students.

"I dare you to say that again Saranya" Nitya demanded fuming in anger.

"I have said everything I wanted to say. Were you deaf before to hear my words?" Saranya retorted.

Nitya was about to reply when an another professor enteredโ€”their economics professor, Mrs. Jivya Rathee, a woman in her late-thirties. She glanced around the hall.

"Where are your manners, students? Can't you keep your voices down?" she said sternly.

Saranya muttered a quick apology before sitting down, while Nitya sat there angrily.

The professor left the room but not before glancing at everyone for once.

Time skip

I am literally over the moon today.

Mrs. Kavya Verma has left the college forever. Oh God, what else can I ask from you? Kavya Verma, the professor who always had a problem with me no matter what I did. I never had a good relationship with Nitya either because she was her niece. She always preferred Nitya over everyone else. I hate favoritism, I literally hate favoritism.

Initially, I didn't have any issues with her, but everything changed when she body-shamed Tara just because she's a little chubby. That day, I had a serious argument with her which led to me being suspended from her lectures for a week. When it came to giving grace marks, she always made sure Nitya and her friends got the most. All of us worked hard to get admission to this college, so why should she get special treatment just because she's her niece? I started hating accountancy because of her, and now I can barely pass in this subject.

None of us could even complain to the chancellor because Mrs. Verma was our head. All complaints had to go through her before reaching higher authorities. Once, a boy wrote a complaint email, but she found out and vented her anger by cutting his marks. To be honest, someone like her doesn't deserve to be in a guiding position.

I was brought back from my thoughts as Varun called me.

We were now sitting in the canteen and I was seriously famished by now.ย 

โ€œWhat do you want to order?โ€ Varun asked me.

โ€œUmm, what about sandwiches and white sauce pasta?โ€

"Okay, I will order. Add white sauce pasta and sandwiches to the list too," he told Rudra, who was going to place the order.

The food arrived in a few minutes, and we all enjoyed our meal. After finishing, all six of us got busy chit-chatting.

"Who do you think will be our new professor?" Tara asked.

"I heard Professor Jivya Rathee talking to another professor that a young and new talent is going to join the college as an accountancy professor" Sia added.

"No matter who it is, at least it's not Kavya Verma, and we are fine as long as it's not her," Kritika said.

"Hmm, I just hope we get a good professor this time," I said, to which all of them nodded their heads.

Time skipped to the night, and I was now sitting on my bed after completing my skincare routine. Pages were scattered all over my bed as I was working on an assignment due in two days. I don't understand why we have to write these assignments. Ugh, it's so boring.

My attention shifted towards the door as it creaked open, revealing my elder sister, Vanya Oberoi, my most favorite person in this world.

She entered the room and closed the door behind her. Walking up to me, she gathered some papers to make space for herself and sat on the bed.

I closed my pen and set the papers aside, giving my full attention to her.

"What's up, Chiku?" She asked.

"Nothing didu, just busy writing an assignment."

"I saw you were looking very happy today during dinner. What's the matter?" Vani di asked with a smile.

"Oh, that. I was happy because Professor Kavya has finally left our college," I said, hoping to earn a laugh from her.

"Oh, so that's why you were so happy, haan" She chuckled.

ย "And what about you? How was your day?" I asked her.

โ€œPretty well.โ€ she replied.

There was a silence of about a minute between us when I said, "I want to eat ice cream."

"But if mom sees us roaming outside late at night, we're both going to be dead," She cautioned.

"But I want to," I declared firmly.

"Okay, fine. Let's sneak out then."

Carefully, both of us stepped outside our house, shutting the doors quietly to avoid making any noise.

We both chit-chatted for a while as we walked down the road. It was late at night, and the moon was shining brightly.

"Look, how beautiful it is," I said, gazing up at the sky.

Vani di looked up and smiled. "Yes, it really is. Nights like these are magical."

We continued walking, the cool breeze adding to the serene atmosphere. The quiet of the night was occasionally interrupted by the distant sounds of the city. After a short walk, we reached a small ice cream parlor that was still open.

"What flavor do you want, Chiku?" Di asked as we approached the counter.

"Chocolate, of course," I replied with a grin.

Vanya di ordered two chocolate ice creams, and we found a small bench nearby to sit and enjoy our treat.

And all of a sudden, it started raining lightly.

We both stood up as the rain began to intensify. There was a small shelter nearby, a bus stand, and we quickly headed towards it to avoid getting drenched.

As we stood there, a man appeared out of nowhere, probably seeking shelter from the rain like us. He maintained a respectful distance, standing a bit ahead of us. He was wearing a black t-shirt with black sweatpants and was breathing heavily, likely from a recent run.

I glanced at my sister, who gave a small, reassuring smile. The man seemed harmless, just another person caught in the unexpected rain. We stood in silence for a moment, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the roof of the bus stand.

The man, still catching his breath, looked over and gave us a polite nod. "Caught in the rain too, huh?" he said with a friendly tone.

"Yeah," Vanya di replied with a smile. "We just went out for some ice cream."

The man chuckled. "Ice cream in this weather? You two are brave."

I laughed. "Well, we didn't expect it to rain."

Soon, the rain stopped, leaving only a gentle drizzle.

We both arrived back home in ten minutes and carefully went inside, finding the house just as silent as when we had left.

We both sighed in relief, knowing our mother was asleep and quietly made our way to our respective rooms. I slipped into bed after changing my clothes and soon drifted into the sleep.

Next Morning

ย "I told you I need my car in 60 minutes, only 60 minutes you have," Veer Singhania spoke through his AirPods as he was working out.ย 

His gaze went to his wristwatch as the call ended, showing 7:15. He left the gym room and made his way towards his room with a protein bottle in his hand.

At exactly 7:35, he emerged from the washroom after having a bath. Fifteen minutes later, he was ready, wearing his suit and combing his hair. Going downstairs, he greeted his grandmother, Vidhatri Singhania who was having a chat with her caretaker and good friend, Sushmika Sharma.

"Is breakfast ready?" he asked their cook, who nodded in response. After having his breakfast, he left the mansion at sharp 8:15, only to find his car parked outside, freshly washed as he had expected.

Veer is a man of his word and very punctual. He wants everything to go according to schedule, by not wasting a single second.

He got inside his car and drove towards his destination, ready to tackle the day's tasks with his usual efficiency and precision.

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